God, please sustain and grow your followers in the Central Asian community in St. Louis to be more like Christ and bold in their witness.
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God, please sustain our teammates who are in their first term of cross-cultural service. Please bless them with reminders of your constant care as they struggle through the challenges of learning new languages and living in difficult locations.
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God, please raise up a growing and healthy fellowship of believers among Central Asian refugees in St. Louis. Please raise up strong Christian leaders within this community.
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God, please raise up teachers for the children of our cross-cultural workers.
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God, please smooth the transitions of new teammates settling into cross-cultural living and relationship building in Nile Africa. Please empower them to learn well the languages spoken by their hosts.
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God, please provide for, encourage, and sustain our teammates in pioneering areas as they live out bold faith while experiencing isolation, loneliness, and discouragement.
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God, please help American believers to partner in healthy and mutually edifying ways with immigrant brothers and sisters in Christ so that your Kingdom will grow among the nations represented in their communities.