God, please strengthen churches in Papua New Guinea, cultivating networks of believers using Scripture in their own language to grow, mature, and multiply.
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God, please strengthen your church all around the world, cultivating networks of believers using heart-language Scriptures to grow, mature, and multiply.
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God, please empower the Mbore team in Papua New Guinea as they translate Old Testament Scripture texts for the lectionary used by some of the churches.
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God, please grant the vision of transformed lives through your Word in every language. Please grant that in this generation we will see churches using Scripture to grow, mature, and multiply in every language on Earth.
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Thank you, God, that the Aruamu people of Papua New Guinea are receiving and dedicating the full Bible in their language today. Thank you for the ways your Word is already transforming individuals, churches, and entire Aruamu communities.
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God, please send additional workers to Papua New Guinea to begin translation, literacy, and Scripture impact work in eight new languages.
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God, please allow our personnel in Papua New Guinea to engage and train six local co-workers for Scripture impact work among the language groups we serve.