Thank you, God, for the strategic Kingdom partnerships you are developing in two new countries in Nile Africa.
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God, please guide the men and women who are visiting East Africa this month to discern your leading for serving there long-term. Please empower our teammates who are hosting them as they cast a vision for how each visitor’s gifts and passions can be well invested in East Africa.
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Thank you, God, for the new personnel you have added to our team in Nile Africa. Thank you for sustaining them through the challenges of beginning to learn new languages and adapting to a new way of life.
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Thank you, God, for adding new personnel to our team serving in a spiritually challenging location in the Middle East. Thank you that many other people are showing interest in serving in various locations in this area.
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Thank you, God, for the Kingdom-focused teams you are building in our various locations in Africa. Thank you for the strategic partnerships that make these teams possible.
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Thank you, God, that the immigration challenges our teammates have been facing in East Africa seem to be reversing. Thank you for open doors to continue serving there.
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Thank you, God, for the teammates who will soon begin serving in a new location in Nile Africa. Thank you for your guidance and provisions as they prepare to move to their home area.