May we and our partners see churches with Scripture transforming every language group on Earth by 2050.
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God, may we and our partners in the Bible translation movement see churches with Scripture transforming every language group on Earth by 2050.
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God, please grant that we and our partners in the Bible translation movement will see churches with Scripture transforming every language community on Earth by 2050.
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God, please grant that we and our partners in the Bible translation movement will see churches with Scripture transforming every language group on Earth by 2050.
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God, please fulfill our vision to see churches with Scripture transforming every language on Earth by 2050.
You're the first person to pray!
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God, please grant that we and our partners in the Bible translation movement will see churches with Scripture transforming every language community on Earth by 2050.
You're the first person to pray!
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God, please grant that we and our partners in the Bible translation movement will see churches with Scripture transforming every language community on Earth by 2050.