I send you out as sheep among the wolves, yet take no staff
And bring no sturdy sandals for this steep and narrow path.
You’ll be accused, yet make no plan in your defense to speak.
You’ll hunger, yet your purse and plow and fields – behind you, leave.
I send you out, but not alone; my staff will be your guide.
And all you need along the way, my mercy will provide.
You will not need your sandals, for you walk on holy ground.
You will not need your thought-out speech; my words are in your mouth.
My presence is your dwelling place, though far from home and field.
On barren ground, though foes surround, I am your feast and shield.
Through every trial, you shall not want; you do not need to strive.
I send you out as sheep, but with your shepherd by your side.
Photo credit: Photo by Pawan Sharma on Unsplash.