Media Kit
These resources are available for your use when communicating about Pioneer Bible Translators.
About, Mission, Vision, and Strategy
Pioneer Bible Translators® bridges the gap between the church and the Bibleless peoples around the world. Our team is composed of Bible translators, literacy evangelists, church planters and a variety of support personnel working to see transformed lives through God’s Word in every language. Pioneer Bible Translators is working in 30 countries in 115 languages that impact 189 million people.
The goal of Pioneer Bible Translators isn’t just translation, but transformation. We bring people to Jesus through Bible translation and church planting, combined with discipleship, incarnational ministry, and the use of translated Scripture.
Our Mission
Pioneer Bible Translators exists to disciple the Bibleless, mobilizing God’s people to provide enduring access to God’s Word.
Our Vision
Transformed Lives Through God’s Word in Every Language
Our Strategy
Prayer is our Strategy to Reach the Bibleless
Greg Pruett, PhD, President
Mike Chambers, PhD, Chairman of the Board
Financial Transparency
Media Assets
Pioneer Bible Color Logo [PDF]
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Pioneer Bible White Logo [PDF]
Pioneer Bible White Logo [PNG]