Because prayer is the strategy of Pioneer Bible Translators, our worldwide team intentionally sets aside a day of fasting and prayer every month. On this day, we join in unified prayer, offering up to our Father praises and requests collected especially for this day. Please join this concert of prayer today by praying with us for our teammates and the people among whom they serve.
- Thank you, God, for raising up a family to serve Bibleless Roma communities in a new location in Eurasia.
- God, please help our teammates in Eurasia develop efficient ways to make audio recordings of translated Scriptures in Roma languages.
- Thank you, God, for answering our prayers for teammates in the Caucasus to make new connections in the communities where they serve. Please abundantly bless our teammates’ efforts to deepen these connections.
- Thank you, God, for opening up new opportunities for Bible translation and Scripture engagement in Central Asia. Please provide a language survey team to help us understand the landscape of the people groups and potential needs there.
- Thank you, God, that the Brazilian couple who visited Timor-Leste earlier this year has decided to return there for full-time ministry. Please provide all they need in financial and spiritual support to allow them to move there in 2026.
- God, please provide solutions to logistical challenges that our teammates in Papua New Guinea face as new translation teams begin serving in difficult-to-access locations.
- God, please empower a translation team in Vanuatu so they can continue their work on a panorama of Old Testament stories and the Psalms.
- God, please bring healing to damaged relationships in the friendships and extended families of our national teammates.