“Your father died?” Laynah asked as I sat with her on the bark-slat porch outside her home. Laynah had become my friend during my family’s earliest months in Papua New Guinea. Our grass-roofed hut had been right across the narrow dirt road from hers when we had lived...
The Problem of Blood
What happens when a person dies? As any Kono person will tell you, when someone dies, there is the problem of blood. Not the blood of the person who passed away, but a blood sacrifice that is needed to ensure that the soul of the deceased will, indeed, make it to God....
Thanksgiving: Loss and Hope
Sowing seeds of hope for Biblical literacy and hunger for God’s Word. It was a few short years ago that our Thanksgiving week was tinged with grief. A village neighbor, who had been on the decline for several months, had finally passed away early one Sunday morning....