Because prayer is the strategy of Pioneer Bible Translators, our worldwide team intentionally sets aside a day of fasting and prayer every month. On this day, we join in unified prayer, offering up to our Father praises and requests collected especially for this day. Please join this concert of prayer today by praying with us for our teammates and the people among whom they serve.
- Lord, thank you for continuing to help our teammates in Eurasia grow in unity and in purpose. Thank you for keeping them safe in their various locations even as war affects them all in so many ways.
- Please help us find ways to accurately survey the Roma people throughout Eurasia so we can adequately address their spiritual needs.
- God, please grant encouragement, strength, and your wisdom to a believer in the Caucasus as he begins the first-ever Bible study groups among his people.
- Lord, please empower our multi-cultural team heading to Central Asia to continue growing in unity.
- God, please guide our leadership as we seek new opportunities to meet Bible translation and Scripture impact needs in the Pacific area.
- God, we praise you that the Apal people in Papua New Guinea now have your Word in their own language. Thank you that their dedication festivities honored and glorified you.
- God, thank you for the new local translators and other teammates you have added to two translation programs in Southeast Asia.
- God, please provide the best strategy for increasing the involvement of national partners in Scripture engagement in Southeast Asia.
- God, please help us continue to have impactful ministry in Vanuatu.
- Thank you, God, for the three West Asian refugee men who are attending a Discovery Bible Study. Please give West Asian believers in this midwestern city the courage to share your Gospel with others in their community.
- God, please add a finance person, board members, and others to our Canadian team so they can love, serve, and send their missionaries well.
- Thank you, God, for continuing to provide funding for sign language translation work.
- As our recruiters and others talk to potential teammates at colleges, churches, and mission fairs, please bring them into contact with the right individuals needed to grow our team.
- God, please work in us so that we become catalysts for transformation among every language group where we serve through providing your Word in the most appropriate and accessible forms and teaching people how to follow Jesus.