Because prayer is the strategy of Pioneer Bible Translators, our worldwide team intentionally sets aside a day of fasting and prayer every month. On this day, we join in unified prayer, offering up to our Father praises and requests collected especially for this day. Please join this concert of prayer today by praying with us for our teammates and the people among whom they serve.
- Thank you, God, for showing us many more people groups we can serve in Eurasia.
- God, please increase the impact of Scripture as it becomes available to the people we serve in the Caucasus. Please give our teammates creative ideas and opportunities to implement them so people will accept and be transformed by your Word in their own language.
- Thank you, God, for showing us people in Central Asia who still need your Word in their own languages. Please continue to grow our multi-cultural team in unity and common purpose, and please guide and protect them.
- Thank you, God, for opening doors for us to begin serving in a new location in the Pacific Area. Please guide us as we seek other opportunities to serve in this area.
- Thank you, God, that work has started in three new language groups in Papua New Guinea. Thank you for the six Papua New Guinean men who are serving as advisors for these projects.
- Thank you, God, that the Gospel of Luke has been completed and printed in a language in Southeast Asia. Please continue preparing the hearts of the people who speak this language to receive it and embrace the Truth it proclaims.
- God, please raise up the right new people to join the work you have given us in Vanuatu. We especially ask for people who are passionate about discipleship and eager to see churches use translated Scripture for evangelism and spiritual growth.
- Thank you, God, for the growth and faithfulness of the few West Asian believers you have brought to a refugee community we serve in the Midwest. Please empower them to boldly share the Gospel with other West Asians, and please raise up a thriving church within this community.
- God, please mobilize Canadian churches to partner with PBT Canada in sending Bible translators, church planters, and others to serve Bibleless people groups around the world.
- God, please move in powerful ways to bring the right individuals to serve in field administration roles in Nile Africa, Papua New Guinea, and West Africa.