Donor Impact Story

You are bringing healing through God’s Word to victims of war and violence.

Because you gave, traumatized people find healing and the power to forgive through God’s transforming Word.

Abdul screamed in Judith’s face. “No! We will never, never forgive them!”

Judith saw the helpless anger in his eyes. What could she say?

Scripture-based trauma healing plays an essential role in transforming the lives of people who have endured war, persecution, natural disasters, and other traumas. It uncovers deep, unhealed wounds like Judith had just exposed in Abdul and seven other local pastors in an East African community ravaged by civil war.

Your generosity helps missionaries like Judith facilitate trauma healing through Scripture.

The pastors had already wrestled with the goodness of God and the fallenness of creation. They had expressed their laments to God, following the examples of the psalmists and prophets. This day’s study focused on Jesus and forgiveness, but Abdul wasn’t ready.

“Have you seen the bombs fall? Have you seen them kill our mothers and fathers and children?” The other pastors nodded in agreement. “Who are you to come and talk about forgiveness?”

Judith silently prayed for wisdom before responding. “You’re right. I wasn’t there when the bombs fell. I wasn’t there when you were hiding in the bush, sick and hungry and fearing for your lives. But God was there. He saw what happened to you. He knows who did it. He felt your pain.”

As God ministers to people through His Word, they experience His healing in their hearts.

Class ended abruptly, and Judith wondered if anyone would return the next day. 

They did. Judith gave each one a list of Scriptures. “Go off alone and read these verses. Tell God everything that is on your hearts and listen to what He says.”

You are bringing God’s Word to people who need it most — people experiencing despair from war and famine and sickness.

As the pastors scattered, Judith prayed. Over the years she had seen God transform lives as His Word touched pain-filled hearts. “Often it does not change their circumstances at all, does not ease their physical suffering. And yet, something is different. People begin to feel God’s presence working healing in their hearts, and it transforms their world.”

The pastors wrestled with God for an hour and a half before coming back together. Abdul was the first to speak.

“I understand now. I do not know how I will do it. I am not sure that I can. But now I understand that I must forgive my enemies. Pray for me. Ask God to change my heart and help me to forgive.”

The other pastors gathered around Abdul to lay hands on him and pray. Healing and transformation were underway.

Because you gave, God’s powerful Word is transforming the lives of Abdul and his fellow pastors. Thank you.

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