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Join us in praying to reach Bibleless people. Your prayers make a difference!

Today’s Prayer

God, please protect our national teammates and their families. Please shield them from every harm that those who oppose their work might seek to cause.

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Praying For


Thank you, God, for the faith of many of our national teammates. Please grow them in their relationship with you and in their personal sense of mission in their homes and communities.

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God, please bless all the churches and agencies in the Bible translation movement as they work collaboratively to complete the tasks of Bible translation and disciple making.

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Thank you, God, for the growing, multiplying church among a people group we serve in a challenging context in Africa.

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God, please move our team to implement Disciple Making Movement training and start self-propagating Bible studies in every one of our language projects.

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God, please give us wisdom in pursuing new projects in the Middle East. Please raise up the right people to send to these new opportunities.

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God, please grant perseverance, common ground, and spiritual maturity for our Deaf teams in three different locations as they draft and edit the Action Bible in their sign languages.

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God, please grant opportunities for local teammates in Mainland Southeast Asia to check translated Scripture with both believers and non-believers. Please open doors for conversations that will lead to improvements in the clarity of the translation and, even more, to transformed hearts and lives.

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God, please protect our national teammates and their families. Please shield them from every harm that those who oppose their work might seek to cause.

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God, please help our teammates demonstrate healthy problem solving, conflict resolution, and interpersonal security.

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Thank you, God, for the rest and renewal some of our teammates in Asia received during a recent spiritual retreat. Thank you for empowering the men and women who facilitated this retreat.

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God, please help us field a worldwide team of 810 cross-cultural impact workers by 2027.

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God, please enable a team in Southeast Asia to maintain focus and momentum so they can finish their translation of the entire Bible this year in a language spoken by almost 250 million people.

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