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Join us in praying to reach Bibleless people. Your prayers make a difference!
Today’s Prayer
God, please protect our national teammates and their families. Please shield them from every harm that those who oppose their work might seek to cause.
Strategic Prayers
All Prayers
God, please help us in the illumiNations Impact Alliance translate portions of the Bible for all viable languages with fewer than 5,000 speakers by 2033.
God, please raise up more local people in Nile Africa to serve in trauma healing ministry.
God, please move local believers in Asia to take charge of meeting Bible translation needs in their country.
God, please reveal yourself to people who are seeking you as they begin their religion’s month of fasting and prayer. Please place in their paths followers of Jesus who can point them to Him.
God, please bring healing from trauma to immigrants and refugees among whom our teammates serve in the U.S. and in many locations around the world. May these hurting people experience the truth of the Gospel and be able to work through their pain and loss in community with believers.
God, please bless a new team of South Asian mother-tongue translators working in a cluster of languages. Please help them form a healthy and productive team dynamic as they begin working together.
God, please equip us to serve Deaf communities in the Pacific area. Please help us to partner well with other organizations that share these ministry goals.
God, please help us in the illumiNations Impact Alliance ensure that the world’s 100 most strategic written languages have at least two translations of the Bible by 2033.
Thank you, God, for the joy of the Havai people in Vanuatu as they recently received Scripture in their own language.
God, please show every member of our worldwide team how to make disciples, and please show them how to equip and encourage these new disciples to disciple others.
God, please tap the potential of our field teams to train and send out local people to serve other Bibleless people groups while continuing to make progress in their current projects.
God, please continue working in the lives of people in a place where we do not currently have any personnel. Please draw these hurting people to faith and hope in you as they face difficult circumstances.