
Community Development Specialist

Community Development Specialists empower communities to meet physical needs, solve problems and address social injustices.


  • Meeting the felt needs of the marginalized
  • Fighting injustice
  • Demonstrating the love of Christ in tangible ways


  • Knowledge of a way to help people (i.e. micro-finance, entrepreneurship, agriculture, animal husbandry, health education, public education, water resource management, etc.)
  • Training and mentoring others
  • Working creatively with the resources at hand

Community Development is a demonstration of Christ’s love through meeting physical needs with sustainable projects. These projects build economic capacity among local communities. By meeting crucial needs this work will also soften the hearts of community members who might be resistant to Christ. Through this work, some of the most under-resourced people in the world are empowered to meet their own physical needs.

Most of our teammates raise support on behalf of Pioneer Bible Translators for their ministry roles. Support raising is not about money — it’s about prayerfully inviting people everywhere to participate in what God is doing to fulfill His mission.

We provide training to help you:

  • Gain confidence in communicating the Biblical foundation for living on support, asking others to invest, and understanding “The God Ask.”
  • Learn best practices and gain confidence in sharing your presentation.
  • Rehearse with your peers and make real calls for appointments.
  • Experience the value of meeting face to face with people and asking for support.
  • Discover how to cultivate lasting relationships with your supporters.

We will work with you to develop a budget based on your ministry role, where you’re going, and your family’s personal needs. Our goal is for you to be adequately funded to maximize the fruitfulness of your ministry and your family.

Are you interested in this role?

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