

Teachers work with families on the field to give third culture kids a quality education.

  • Realizing the potential of children
  • Enabling parents to do the work they were trained to do
  • Advancing the gospel through supporting Bible translation and church planting ministries


  • Ability to teach a wide age range of children and a variety of curricula
  • Tolerance and creativity for unforeseen issues due to working overseas (lack of materials, electricity, etc.)
  • Patience and love for the special needs of third culture kids
  • Strong communication skills and an ability to work well with parents

Teachers of third-culture children invest in the lives of their students, enabling their parents to serve full-time in their roles. Since many families reside in allocations where schools are inaccessible, we have a great need for teachers willing to educate children overseas. Many families have an existing curriculum; they simply need tutors who will facilitate the curriculum already developed for their children. Other families desire someone with an education degree who can create, develop, and administer age-appropriate curriculum based upon experience. In some fields, the families live in close enough proximity that a teacher can have a small classroom of children.

For those desiring a more traditional teaching environment, there are a number of international schools looking for teachers. Often, when our organization helps to staff international schools, this enables kids from our organization to attend the school at a reduced price.

Most of our teammates raise support on behalf of Pioneer Bible Translators for their ministry roles. Support raising is not about money — it’s about prayerfully inviting people everywhere to participate in what God is doing to fulfill His mission.

We provide training to help you:

  • Gain confidence in communicating the Biblical foundation for living on support, asking others to invest, and understanding “The God Ask.”
  • Learn best practices and gain confidence in sharing your presentation.
  • Rehearse with your peers and make real calls for appointments.
  • Experience the value of meeting face to face with people and asking for support.
  • Discover how to cultivate lasting relationships with your supporters.

We will work with you to develop a budget based on your ministry role, where you’re going, and your family’s personal needs. Our goal is for you to be adequately funded to maximize the fruitfulness of your ministry and your family.

Are you interested in this role?

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