Because prayer is the strategy of Pioneer Bible Translators, our worldwide team intentionally sets aside a day of fasting and prayer every month. On this day, we join in unified prayer, offering up to our Father praises and requests collected especially for this day. Please join this concert of prayer today by praying with us for our teammates and the people among whom they serve.
- Thank you, Lord, for giving teammates in the Middle East new connections with people in their city. Thank you for the hunger some are showing to read your Word and learn more about who you are.
- Thank you, Holy King, for the people who are stepping into freedom in the Middle East. Please be their strength, and lead them in boldness against the kingdom of darkness. Please gather them into a Christ-glorifying community.
- Thank you, Lord, for the progress our teammates in another Middle Eastern location are making as they translate the book of Ruth. Please speak to the people as they hear of your provisions for Ruth and Naomi in the midst of desperate circumstances. May they, too, turn to you as their Provider.
- God, please shine the light of hope into places where mental health issues, depression, hopelessness, and suicide are rapidly increasing. Please reveal yourself and your nature to everyone who turns to you seeking answers.
- Father, please lead the plans for the Polish Sign Language project. Please prepare four or five Deaf and hearing field workers for this project, and please guide the selection of national translators.
- God, we ask you to tap the potential of our fields to train and send out local people to do Bible translation, Scripture impact, and other ministries without losing momentum in the projects they are already doing.
- God, please help our partner Bible Translators of Ukraine prepare for and conduct a Discovery Conference in November.
- Thank you, God, for teammates who give their time to train the international partners who are joining our team.
- Lord, please bless all our teams with the ability to integrate new teammates well. Please help them build strong relationships and work in unity.
- God, we plead with you to grant us favor as we seek a visa for a teammate so he and his family can move to the U.S. so he can serve on-site as our IT systems administrator.