Because prayer is the strategy of Pioneer Bible Translators, our worldwide team intentionally sets aside a day of fasting and prayer every month. On this day, we join in unified prayer, offering up to our Father praises and requests collected especially for this day. Please join this concert of prayer today by praying with us for our teammates and the people among whom they serve.
- Almighty God, please help our teammates in Asia finish developing Bible translation training materials in the national language.
- God, please call the right workers to serve in newly opening locations in the South Asia area.
- Father, we praise you that translation has begun in a language of Mainland Southeast Asia. Please guide this team as they begin working together, and please help everyone understand the importance of clear and natural translation.
- Thank you, God, that an audio Scripture app in a language in South Asia is now available in the Google Play Store. Thank you that people are downloading and using it!
- God, please provide the right long-term visas and work permits for our teammates in a country in South Asia.
- God, please establish your peace in the small believing communities in a language group we serve in the South Asia area. Please bring unity in place of bitter division.
- Father, we thank you for two Polish recruits who are preparing to serve in West Africa. Please raise up more men and women from churches in Poland to join this ministry.
- Lord, please touch the hearts of young leaders in Italian churches and lead them to actively reach out to the refugee communities in their midst.
- God, please help us find ways to move forward in developing and implementing plans for Scripture impact in communities where translated Scripture is not yet being widely used.
- Lord, please help our field accounting offices around the world accomplish the tasks needed for providing timely and accurate information to all our missionaries and to our granting partners.
- Father, as economic struggles have rippled through the economies of the world, we pray that you will sustain our teammates and the projects they are part of. We ask for miraculous provision for those whose funding does not meet their personal and ministry needs.