
The Elder Knows A Roasted Peanut
The Elder Knows A Roasted Peanut

The Kawah people of West Africa have a proverb: “The elder knows a roasted peanut.” Though I don’t pretend to understand all this proverb’s nuances, I can tell you a couple of things about it. First, the Kawah people LOVE roasted peanuts! (So do I!) Peanuts play an...

Thursday Prayer Focus: 5 Ways to Pray for Hurting Teammates
Thursday Prayer Focus: 5 Ways to Pray for Hurting Teammates

Prayer is vital to the fruitful ministries of our teammates as they seek to translate Scripture and make disciples in the places where God has led them. We invite you to pray for increased fruitfulness by lifting up teammates who are hurting as they face difficult...

What’s The Word for Kidneys?
What’s The Word for Kidneys?

Those lists of unclean animals in Leviticus just about killed me. Like ‘rock badger.’ Do you know what the Samka call it? It’s a ‘boulder goat.’ Like I could ever have guessed that! …

What? Your co-translator Isn’t a Christian?
What? Your co-translator Isn’t a Christian?

Most people assume that the national men and women who serve on Bible translation teams are Christians. While that’s a natural assumption, it is not accurate. A significant number of Pioneer Bible Translators missionaries are penetrating areas of the world’s...

Thursday Prayer Focus: 5 Ways to Pray for Hurting Teammates
Thursday Prayer Focus: Future Field Missionaries

Many individuals, couples, and families are in their final stages of preparing for cross-cultural ministry. Please uphold them in prayer for the needs and challenges mentioned below — and in whatever other ways the Lord prompts you. Many of these missionaries will be...

Why Can’t You Translate the Bible From Home?
Why Can’t You Translate the Bible From Home?

“Can’t you do this from home?” my friend Cindy asked. Cindy was my maid of honor when Malcolm and I got married. She and her husband have faithfully supported our ministry since our beginning with Pioneer Bible Translators some 30 years ago. Her inquiry came from a...

Thursday Prayer Focus: 5 Ways to Pray for Hurting Teammates
Thursday Prayer Focus: Newly Arrived Personnel

Many Pioneer Bible Translators personnel are currently — or soon will be — in their first term of cross-cultural ministry. Newly arrived missionaries face a vast array of challenges as they settle into their new homes and ministries. We invite you to pray...

Thursday Prayer Focus: 5 Ways to Pray for Hurting Teammates
Thursday Prayer Focus

9 Ways to Pray for Third Culture Kids Third culture kids (TCKs), also known as MKs, have both the privilege and the challenge of growing up in their family’s place of ministry. Here are ways you can pray for TCKs, especially the children in missionary families you...

Thursday Prayer Focus: 5 Ways to Pray for Hurting Teammates
Thursday Prayer Focus: Simple But Not Easy

Many of our overseas workers live in places with limited access to goods and services that much of the world’s population take for granted. During a recent visit, the mother of one of our teammates saw stark differences between her home country and the rural location...