Donor Impact Story

You Helped Pais Give His Life to Jesus!

Pais learned to follow Jesus when he helped translate the Bible into the Aruamu language!

Pais is an Aruamu man who lives in a village in Papua New Guinea’s tropical rainforest. He attended church, but his lifestyle showed that he was not walking with Jesus.

“I was involved in many kinds of immoral activities,” he shared. He compared his life to the list of sinful fruits in Galatians 5:19-21.

The only Scripture Pais owned was written in another language. When he joined the team that was translating the Bible into the Aruamu language, his heart shifted.

Pais began to hear God speaking through His Word, and he knew he needed to change.

“All my life has changed because the Spirit of God is in me.”

“I saw so many Scriptures that talk about [how a Christian should live]. I have become a strong Christian. All my life has changed because the Spirit of God is in me.”

Thank you for giving people like Pais the chance to find the life-changing hope of Jesus!

Today, Pais preaches and tells others how they can be saved and how their lives can be changed.

Pais is thrilled at the difference in his community now that the Bible is available in the Aruamu language.

Praise God for working in hearts through the translation process, even from the start. Thank you for your support and prayers!

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