9 Ways to Pray for Third Culture Kids

Third culture kids (TCKs), also known as MKs, have both the privilege and the challenge of growing up in their family’s place of ministry. Here are ways you can pray for TCKs, especially the children in missionary families you know.

  • Pray that the TCKs in Pioneer Bible Translators’ worldwide team will develop a deep and abiding faith in Christ. Pray that they will find security in Him through the many transitions and challenges they face as TCKs.
  • Pray that they will adjust well to the culture of their host country and of the community where their family lives and serves. Pray that they will adjust well to the culture of their parents’ home country each time they return to it.
  • Pray that they will shine the light of Christ’s love in their interactions with local friends. Pray that they will have courage to step into conversations about spiritual matters with friends who do not yet know and believe in Jesus.
  • Pray that the educational needs of TCKs will be met. Pray that they will thrive in their school experiences, whether at home, in the local community, or in a boarding situation.
  • Pray for good health for TCKs. Pray for protection from illness and for appropriate treatment when they do fall ill.
  • Pray for healthy dynamics within the family. Pray that God will grant wisdom to their parents in rearing them. Pray that the children will model Biblical principles in the ways they obey and respect their parents.
  • Pray for good opportunities to nurture relationships within their extended family while in their parents’ home country and also while in their family’s place of ministry.
  • Pray for sustaining friendships as TCKs experience grief and loss when close friends — and they themselves — come and go. Pray that they will look to the Lord for comfort.
  • Pray that they will fully trust God with their lives and futures regardless of their circumstances.
Pioneer Bible Translators
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