Donor Impact Story

You Helped Sara Learn That God Loves Her!

Her religion taught her that God favored the rich, but you helped her see how He loves the poor!

Sara’s religion taught her that God does not look favorably on poor people. You helped her see that God loves her and is happy with her just as she is!

Sara is a Dekamo woman living in East Africa. The dominant religion of her people teaches that God favors the rich. As a poor woman, Sara believed that God wasn’t happy with her.

Because of you, the Dekamo people received the New Testament in their own language, and that changed EVERYTHING for Sara!

Sara read the New Testament in her own language faithfully, rarely missing a day. The story of the widow’s mite moved her heart in a special way. It showed her that God looks favorably even on poor people like herself. God values sacrificial giving no matter the size of the gift.

Now Sara knows that God is happy with her for giving whatever she can. This has changed her view of God and has deepened her relationship with Him!

Thank you for giving in faith so that Sara and her community could read the Word of God in their own language!

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